„Diving into Math with Emmy Noether“ – Kommentare

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Jemma Lorenat, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Pitzer College in Claremont, California

The students arrived exactly on time, entering the auditorium at 4:15 (no sooner)! Wednesday afternoons usually host the Claremont Mathematics Colloquium, but this was something different. Or was it? There was a stage, there was a screen, there was a mathematician talking about mathematics… and eating pudding. As a one-woman show Diving into Math with Emmy Noether deftly inverts the medium of mathematics lecture. We learn about mathematics from a singular authority, but we also witness a meditation on biography, many walks through a forest, an expansion of the concept of influence within mathematics. At moments it feels as if we are in Noether’s classroom and should be taking notes. Anita Zieher captures a warmth and excitement that resonates with the academic enthusiasm one can experience at the best workshops and seminars. As Noether admits before this live audience, she was not considered a very good lecturer,  but this did not impede her efficacy as a teacher of mathematics and supporter of young mathematicians. On screen we see some of the young men and women who identified as „Noether boys“ and „Noether girls“ — excited by the modern algebra they were co-creating. On stage, a parade of signs remind us why the name „Noether“ is so familiar, even for those who have never heard of „Emmy“. There is the theorem, the ring, the prize, etc. Directed by Sandra Schueddekopf, Diving into Math with Emmy Noether is entertaining and important. The Claremont audience was delighted and full of questions. Though small in geographical scope, Portraittheater’s first west coast tour was unquestionably a resounding success for those of us lucky enough to be in that audience. 

John Ewing, President Math for America

The play was terrific – Emmy Noether felt like the real thing. Congratulations to all.

Chris Quigg, Professor of Physics (Emeritus) at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, University of Chicago

„Celebrating a dazzling performance“

Karen Parshall, Professor of Mathematics and History, University of Virginia

I just wanted to say how wonderful I thought the play was. You so beautifully interpret and portray Emmy Noether’s life and spirit. In particular, I thought you perfectly captured her joy of mathematics, which is a sentiment so hard to convey to non-mathematicians, at the same time that you deftly conveyed the many complexities of her life.

John McCleary, Professor of Mathematics, Vassar College

It was a wonderful performance, a remarkable feat of writing and theatrical focus.

Silvie Benzoni, Director Institut Henri Poincaré, Sorbonne Université

Wonderful play regarding an amazing woman, a great mathematician brought back to life by the actress Anita Zieher and the director Sandra Schüddekopf.

Clotilde Fermanian, Professor Université Paris Est – Créteil Val de Marne, Présidente du Comité de culture mathématique de l’Institut Henri Poincaré,

“Superbe représentation à la Sorbonne le 10 octobre! Beaucoup d’émotion face au destin de cette femme exceptionnelle !“
(Eine großartige Aufführung in der Sorbonne am 10. Oktober! Sehr emotional angesichts des Schicksals dieser außergewöhnlichen Frau!)

Jim Ryan, President of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville

“It’s a terrific performance about one of the most important women in the history of mathematics and physics.”

Peter Olver, Professor, School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota

“An amazing performance of „Diving into Math with Emmy Noether“ occurred at the University of Minnesota on September 26, 2023.  Anita Zieher’s stunning portrayal of Emmy Noether, directed by Sandra Schueddekopf, gave the impression that one was truly in her presence.  Those without mathematical expertise came away with a better understanding, not just of Emmy, her personality, her career, and her difficult times, but also intimations of what it is like to be a research mathematician. Those of us who know Noether’s profound contributions and impact in both mathematics and physics were mesmerized by the play and Anita’s performance.  A truly memorable event — do not miss it!”